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3D-Animation in Afghanistan: A Bright Future


From the cave drawings to contemporary arts, from photography to film, humans have used whatever means are available at their disposal to express their perception of the world. 

Adding motion into photographs and advancement in technology led to the birth of films and movies and took us to the next level of storytelling – Yes, 3D-Animation.

It's strange to know that 3D-Art has been around for almost 25 years, and lots has been improved in the movie industrie in regards to applying 3D-Art. There is hardly any blockbuster movie that does not include any 3D based explosion, sci-fi machines, robots, creatures etc.., all human imaginations have been made 'real' and are on screen in front of millions of people.


3D is mostly associated with movies and animation; but It is extensively used in the advertising industry around the world to help promote brands on billboards, in commercials and magazines. 3D-Animation also plays a strong role in the Automobile- and Architectural industry to visualize future projects.

Therefore, 3D is a unique tool to help us enhance the visual experience of a story and it provides us with the ability to create imaginary worlds.


3D-Animation in Afghanistan

Leaving the three decades of war and destruction behind, Afghanistan still faces many obstacles, such as lack of steady and reliable electricity supply and lack of appropriate and professional training centers and in addition to that there is little movement and development in the TV and Advertisement sector.

But Afghans are making use of modern technology and media to rebuild the country and raise new generations with a brighter vision for the future.

There is a big interest in 3D-Animations, and more and more 3D-Artists exhibit their animated shortfilms at festivals and exhibiting their abilities and talents.


My answer to “why the industry is still weak in Afghanistan”

“At this stage, 3D is still an ignored and unsupported industry in Afghanistan. But the trends are changing from year to year and it requires support, motivation, rewards and professional trainers to teach talented 3D artists. Some people are now choosing 3D as a profession and hopefully they will find a career in the TV or production industries nationally as well as internationally, to apply their skills.

But Afghanistan has not yet come far enough to produce competitive 3D-Movies, since this requires a big skilled team and an appropriate budget-which is why the international industry is not yet interested in the Afghan market. In contrast to this, looking at Europe and the western world, you will find it diffuclt to find a single TV programm which has been produced without the input of a 3D program. Taking the National Geographic Channel as an example-they are using massive amounts of 3D functions in their scientific illustrative videos.

Unfortunately, the circumstances in my country are getting worse day by day and the 3D animation artists are suffering due to the lack of facilities. If you want to learn 3D you can’t just read theoretical books or watch tutorials. First you need to have proper electricity at your home, you need to have a good computer system at hand ( enough RAM and a fast processor to handle 3D programs), and then a high speed internet connection to investigate the whole world about 3D news, software, plugins, tutorials and etc…”


Despite all odds I am seeing a bright future in 3D animation in Afghanistan due to the existing talent and I hope that there soon will be a great shift in the market/industry!



Mohammad Daud Hedayati




























































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