Mohammad Daud Hedayati
Afghanistan Traditional arts and crafts and Sustainable Development
The overwhelming majority of all Afghan artists are not able to support themselves on their art alone, as they do not possess the necessary business administration and marketing skills, have knowledge of international standards, nor do they have the English language skills required in nearly all international situations. In short, they are behind from the very beginning, facing a very difficult and often depressing future. In addition, there is presently no platform or source in which Afghan artists can access information about opportunities or other artists in country.
Below are some of the points in regards to our national artists, both male and female alike:
Lack of business administration skills needed to start their own business and communicate with customers in an effective and efficient way.
Lack of English language skills needed to penetrate any market beyond Afghanistan.Lack of experience in dealing with international partners in order to run a project with them.Lack of exposure and training in regards to design by which to create innovative and originalproducts based on national and international markets, standards and needs.Lack of financial support and equipment.Lack of advanced training in their chosen field of art.
Public and Society:
Afghanistan doesn't have a particular source in order to support marketing for handicrafts.There is presently no institution or association in place to promote and provide equal opportunity in education, residencies, studio facilities, jobs, marketing, crafts and capacity building trainings and consultancies in regards to gender and ethnicity among the artists community.
There is no centralized online shopping website that represents national arts and handicrafts which support online direct sales in Afghanistan. Not only could this open up international markets for national artists, but could also expand the Kabul market as well, as many foreigners are very limited in their travel due to security restrictions. This is very important as online sales galleries facilitate the buying of Afghan artwork at anytime and anywhere.
Currently, there is no place or site where Afghan artists can access information and opportunities, expand their potential markets, utilize a space for creating works and or products, or receive advanced training for no tuition fees in country. Furthermore, there is no association under which Afghan artists and artisans can unite in collaborative and creative efforts for the betterment of Afghan culture.
Innovation and sustainability:
In order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between innovation and sustainability, and the role that small handicraft businesses play in that relationship, the following questions need to be answered:
What is the nature of the relationship between innovation and sustainability in small handicraft businesses?What are the barriers or obstacles that small handicraft businesses face when developing the environmental innovations that allow them to achieve sustainability?What are the advantages or benefits that handicraft business can expect if they pursue environmental innovations?
Environmental innovations develop new ideas, behaviors, products, and processes.
Studies of handicraft businesses have shown that success is the result of innovation, changes derived from the creativity of the artisans. Thus, when artisan's product characteristics, the abilities of the business, and the possibility of generating competitive strategies are insufficient for the market, product innovation is what tends to determine profit increase. Nevertheless, in Afghanistan, only 5% of the total number of artisans innovate and are successful at this activity; 65% continue to utilize rudimentary systems and live off their craft, and the remaining 30% fall in between.
The low percentage of innovative handicraft businesses may be due to the slow nature of the process of innovation development, and a lack of strategies for innovation. The development of new products is founded on what the owners of the firm believe will sell, or in accordance with seasonal considerations. Thus, in the absence of structure and the sufficient bases for innovation in the artisan's sector, innovation is either produced out of necessity, or not produced at all.
Consultation and marketing. Two important aspects can be observed, in terms of context, which explain the relationship between environmental innovation and sustainability in handicraft businesses: the organization type, and the age of the business, the larger the enterprise, the more likely it is to adopt a greater number of procedures for environmental control. And the larger firms receive a high level of attention from the general public, which may in turn "encourage" firms to have a higher level of social sustainability.
Marketing is a key success to each business, if you don't introduce yourself then how would others know you? As far as Afghanistan doesn't have a sustainable marketing strategy at this moment, there are different foreigner organization leading marketing for Afghanistan traditional arts and crafts, thus artists and artisans doesn't have a chance to communicate with real customers and to build a sustainable business.
The following methodologies would facilitate both artists and artisans in regards to marketing:
Creating a website would be a good start to express all your business objectives and goals and to introduce your products.Advertisement through broadcasting and social media companies would be a great option (televisions, face book, twitter, you tube and etc...).Building relationships with relevant government ministries and departments, NGOs, Organizations and institutions are essentially important to participate at national and international exhibitions.Registration on popular websites that link many companies in the world together could also be a good idea but still optional!
The above efforts along with online advertisements will help handicrafts to be well known to private organization and institutes, partners inside and outside of the country.
As far as most of Afghan handicraft business owners have insufficient business knowledge and it's more like a traditional business method to cover a small region as target, having a business cycle strategy is crucially important for craftsmen to establish a comprehensive business plan to reach each targeted markets by themselves, so business knowledge and experience is required to build a business.
There are few foreigner organizations leading marketing for Afghanistan traditional arts and crafts, and for sure they would have a joint contract with each craft businesses, but the point is that each craft business in Afghanistan can promote their own business toward success without having any links to relevant organizations and this way they can gain more profit, being independent, gaining experiences, building a face-to-face relationship with customers, collectors, buyers, shops and galleries and having a sustainable market development in business.
Author: Mohammad Daud Hedayati